Nat's Own Coffee
Nat’s Own Coffee doesn’t just taste good, it does good for the planet, too. Our premium coffee blend is 100% Rainforest Alliance certified letting our guests know they are making a better choice – it represents that farmers and foresters are taking steps to make their products more sustainable, creating a better future for people and nature.
Our signature coffee is also “Beyond Fair Trade”, which ensures that a percentage of every pound of coffee sold is given back to the farming communities. This helps to fund projects that improve access to healthcare, education, and equality.
Working with our partners in the Amazonas region of north Peru and Honduras, Triple O’s is pleased to be able to support farmers from the Valle Verde and La Flor del Café coffee associations.
Honduras Project
In Honduras, this project is focused on women’s empowerment and family prosperity through the construction of a new childcare centre which includes meals and educational opportunities. By renovating the childcare centre and supporting the child protection program, kids and their families have a place to learn about food security, production of food crops and how to improve nutrition with the main goal to enhance household wellbeing.
Peru Project
Aiming to empower Peruvian women through their coffee journey, this project increases women’s access to credit funds to provide the capital to grow crops and access financial literacy training, paving the way for more women-owned and run farms and co-ops. At this time, there are 250 women coffee producers and their families that are beneficiaries of the program.